I finally watched Pandora's Box all the way through and it was fantastic. I took a number of "stills" by photographing my screen, so I apologize for the quality. 

The message of the film is greatly defined as women's liberation and sexuality leading to man's downfall. This is illustrated by Lulu (Louise Brooks) who's extreme being brings trouble to all those around her. However, the film isn't so cut and dry as all that and we are left wondering if Lulu is the villian or the victim of her circumstances. She is exuberant, full of life, and it is really no wonder that so many people fall in love with her. It speaks greatly to the time in which it was made as well. When women did gain greater power and increased respect as sexual beings it will of course remove some of men's power over them and how is this new society to function? Will not havoc be wrought unknowingly by these previously childlike beings? These are questions the film addresses, but does not fully answer. It was hugely controversial for the time (Lulu even has a interesting, romantic relationship with a woman), but made Louise Brooks a lasting icon. I highly recommend this (silent) film. 

My outfit is my secondhand black lace dress I picked up the other day. I had recently been ogling black lace vintage dresses on eBay, but they were all out of my price range (and the whole shopping ban and all that), so I think it was fate to find this one. I wore a ribbon as belt and attached my butterfly hairclip for added interest.

Outfit details: dress- secondhand, shoes- Nine West via Amazon.com