From day trips to Delphi to explore the ruins of Apollo's temple, walks through quaint villages, shopping in downtown Athens, and dancing until 5:00 am, to say I am keeping busy might be an understatement. Usually this sort of activity wears the introvert in me out, but lately I have been flinging myself at every opportunity and not regretting a single moment. After all, you can rest when you are dead...
I rather shocked the people in my group when I wore jeans for our day trip. After numerous people had asked me if I ever wear pants (to which I responded, "you've only seen me for less than a week") I decided it was time to bust the skinny jeans out.
Outfit details: pants- some shop in Japan, shirt- Forever 21 (customized by me), tank- American Eagle, bag- secondhand, jacket- Urban Outfitters, aviators- Stadium Swapmeet in Hawaii

Clearly, minimalist (sometimes I wonder if I can apply minimalist to laziness...) looks are appealing to me at the moment. The weather has been cool and rainy, but now it seems we are in for clear, warm days. I can't really be bothered with too much complication when we are walking so much.