I don't really understand the mentality that one should dress as suits the weather. The logistics of not dying of frostbite or overheating, are completely comprehended, however that is where it ends for me. Why should we wear dark colors in winter and brights in spring? Rainy days make me want to wear my brights, not wallow in greys. Perhaps this is more of an argument for my love of colors than defiance of weather appropriateness...
Outfit details: scarf- street vendor, jacket- H&M, dress- Zara, tights- We Love Colors, shoes- H&M

Outfit details: coat- H&M, dress- vintage via eBay, tights- Target, shoes- H&M

Outfit details: scarf- street vendor, jacket- H&M, dress- Zara, tights- We Love Colors, shoes- H&M

Outfit details: coat- H&M, dress- vintage via eBay, tights- Target, shoes- H&M