"I saw Eternity the other night, Like a great ring of pure and endless light,
All calm, as it was bright, And round beneath it, Time in hours, days, years
Driven by the spheres, Like a vast shadow moved, in which the world
And all her trains were hurled..." -Henry Vaughan
Time is slipping through my fingers more swiftly than sands through a pendulum. I can not wait for the arrival of spring and summer and yet, I dread their arrival. Summer signifies the end of my college years and the beginning of the great unknown into which I shall be hurled...
Outfit details: sweater- Gap, dress- H&M, scarf- secondhand, tights- Walmart, shoes- H&M, coat- H&M

When I was putting together this remix of my yellow AAskirt all I could notice was how I was bare-legged in most of the shots...sigh, those dancing days will come again.

All calm, as it was bright, And round beneath it, Time in hours, days, years
Driven by the spheres, Like a vast shadow moved, in which the world
And all her trains were hurled..." -Henry Vaughan
Time is slipping through my fingers more swiftly than sands through a pendulum. I can not wait for the arrival of spring and summer and yet, I dread their arrival. Summer signifies the end of my college years and the beginning of the great unknown into which I shall be hurled...
Outfit details: sweater- Gap, dress- H&M, scarf- secondhand, tights- Walmart, shoes- H&M, coat- H&M

When I was putting together this remix of my yellow AAskirt all I could notice was how I was bare-legged in most of the shots...sigh, those dancing days will come again.