I don't find outfits featuring shorts very flattering or stylish for me (perhaps I just haven't found the perfect pair yet?). However, we have set up our badminton net, so I find myself wearing shorts some days or at least part of a day. There's a range of movement I subconsciously sacrifice whenever I choose to wear a dress or skirt, so wearing shorts is quite liberating. I must invest in some bike shorts to wear under my dresses at some point...I thought the red and pink combination saved this particular outfit from being too mundane.
Outfit details:
vintage scarf
H&M cardigan
Cheap Monday shirt
Gap shorts
H&M wedges
When Kristin of Leproust Vintage offered up her orange velvet shorts to the Delightful Dozen to borrow, I jumped on the opportunity. The shorts were just too wacky and fun to pass up. Unfortunately, they arrived while Washington State was going through its grey period and wallowed on my sewing table with a number of similarly dejected pieces. Thankfully, the weather has temporarily cleared and I finally got to try them out.
The top is my favorite tee in the whole world. I bought it at a secondhand store when I was studying abroad in Sapporo, Japan. I wore it while I was in Japan and got so many compliments on it from obachans that I knew it was a winner. Since then I added an aqua zipper to the sleeve which is fully functioning and can transform the shirt from short sleeve to sleeveless. I really need to that DIY again with other shirts.

Outfit details: