I've been looking for the perfect anorak for early fall weather, but wasn't having much luck. I tried on vintage ones, chain store versions (H&M and Zara), and contemplated a number of online purchases. All the ones I saw in person were too large for me (5'1") and too bulky so they didn't fall right...then I saw this one at Spotted Moth. Thankfully, my sponsor was kind enough to send me it and I couldn't be happier. It's large and loose, but so lightweight and falls nicely; the perfect layer I've been hunting for.
From yesterday's post to today I'm certain it's obvious I'm enjoying having my tripod and rural settings again. It's very liberating and empowering to take my own pictures; flitting around and setting my own schedule and composing each shot without having to harrass someone. Initially I wanted to climb the hay bale for a few pictures, but that plan fell through as I realized how difficult it was! Still, I love the hay bale background and scenic little spot of field and red barn. It's just a typical, pretty, rural American scene...it almost looks fake, no? 

Outfit details:
vintage fascinator
UO dress
Dr. Scholls heels
*all pictures by me