Although I might look slightly pulled together and polished today that is entirely an illusion. This poppy teal coat is hiding paint-stained old clothes! As that sentence might lead you to guess: I've been doing a bit of painting around the new house, so of course I dragged out some old clothes I don't really care about to work in (i.e. gym shorts and a tee). When it came time to venture out into society I didn't feel like putting together a whole outfit, instead I just threw on a coat long enough to hide my paint-stained shorts and threw on some sparkly shoes for fun.
I received these sparkly booties from Modcloth several months ago and I still love them to pieces. The glitter sheds a bit, but I can't tell where it is coming from since it's still appears evenly coated and perfect on the surface of the shoe. My only issue is the lack of padding; I have to add my own gel pads otherwise my feet truly hate me at the end of the day.

Outfit details:
vintage bow brooch
DIY socks
*all pictures by me; it was raining a bit and you can see the drops in some of the pictures!