I ought to rename my blog: Rebecca and her traveling wind machine. I swear I can't seem to take pictures lately without getting completely blown around by the wind and thus my dress flies in all directions and my hair tangles. Sometimes I like to mention the messiness of picture-taking and life because I always choose the images where it isn't too awful-looking (if you've seen my outtake posts you know it can look rough!). It's just a good reminder that things aren't always as perfect as they might appear, but life is the wind in your face; messiness is a good thing.
I'm pretty excited about this color combination. People always talk about color in the spring, but fall is the perfect time for color-mixing because you have so many layers to play with. The stripes in this dress really made the green of the coat and the purple in the tights come together nicely. I also seem to be on a vintage kick lately; I've even been hunting down new (to me) pieces on Etsy and eBay...

Outfit details:
vintage dress
Target tights
customized Girly-Girl shoes