One of the greatest inaccuracies of my blog is the illusion that I spend all this time outside wandering in the day, when really I'm most active at night. Of course, night-time wandering does not lend itself well to photography...Still, in the late evening when the world has turned black and my quiet moat hamlet turns into a ghost town I begin to grow restless. Even now with the temperatures dropping making hats and wool gloves necessary for time outdoors (we even had a sprinkling of snow the other day!), I can't resist a good walk in the dark. It's an incredibly meditative time for me. I trip down empty roads with my headphones on and my mind wandering in aimless directions. Right now, it is especially magical with homes and trees decorated for Christmas. My favorite spot though is to walk down along the sea wall, out on the piers and to see distant lights rippling across the waters.