As you can tell from these pictures our home recently turned into a winter wonderland; these pictures were actually taken fairly early in the day and the snow just kept coming down. Getting my camera to focus while it was snowing was difficult, so I recruited my father to help me during his lunch break. They were taken just in front of my house and I intend to stay at my house until this snow starts melting away!
I've been collecting various wintry accessories, so I was somewhat prepared for all the snow. One of my favorite new pieces are these extra long wool gloves (with little stud detail!) by Michael Kors which I purchased with a gift card provided by StyleFind. I've only visited a couple of times, but StyleFind is a dangerous place. Upon browsing I find myself convinced that I need to acquire so many different sparkly things! The gloves were more practical though and they keep my fingers and arms past the elbow warm and cozy.

Outfit details:
H&M hat
Built By Wendy dress
H&M cardigan
Cynthia Rowley & Tabio tights (layered)
Clinque lipstick
*pictures by my father!
P.S. Don't forget you can still get 10% off at Shop Ruche with code "clotheshorse10"
P.P.S. The 'play it again sam' hearts and 'mounatin high' beaded necklaces are still on sale today!