My sponsor Shop Ruche recently sent me this lovely little dress. The pockets are fantastic, but the dress is also so nice because it is a departure from my usual palette of blues. I think I need more reds and pinks in my wardrobe, but I still tend to buy pieces by instinct that appeal to me rather than to be strategic about building up certain lacking areas. The flowers on my dress definitely go with all the green growth out in front of our home right now. There are even a few trees beginning to flower around the base and I can't wait until more are in full bloom.
Also, I'm kind of in love with this little denim jacket. I think it's going to be my go-to this spring. Tip on shrunken denim jackets: look in the little boys section in thrift stores. My current one isn't a thrift store find, but I've found awesome ones there in the past (and since passed them on to friends/sold them).

Outfit details:
leaf purse, gift from my mother