Wearing these heels brings back memories. These are the oldest pair of heels I own and one of the most comfortable since they're by Dr.Scholls (a fact that people often doubt until I take off my shoes and show them the label!). I bought them when my family still lived in Hawaii for an Army ball my father asked if I would like to attend with him. I remember trying them on at the store and feel awkward in them and worrying over the price (an amount that now I think of as very reasonable). The salesperson who helped me was working hard that day and with her urging and some apathetic input from my sister, I bought them. They might have been the only heels I tried on and from the only store at the Ala Moana mall we stopped in because I come from a family that generally dislikes shopping. My mother didn't even go prom dress shopping with me, but instead sent my older sister as proxy whose tastes were (are?) quite different from mine. So in the end of shopping ventures I often had pieces that seemed practical and could be worn at numerous occasions rather than some special, silly piece that spoke to my soul. And those practical pieces always ended up gathering dust in darkened corners of my closet because they held no significance for me.