I am back from my little Euro-trip. Traveling is definitely one of my number one passions; probably even more than fashion. I'd like to explore at least one new country every year...but we'll see how feasible that plan is as time progresses. This was my first visit to Spain (which was fantastic) and my second time to Italy.
We hit the ground running in Barcelona. After our overnight flight, short train ride, and then metro to our hostel we dropped off our bags and set out exploring with barely a breath in between. First on the agenda was some sustenance (tapas, paella, etc), but then it was time to start playing the tourist. On our first day we managed to see La Rambla, the Arc de Triomf (where these pictures were taken), and my favorite: Gaudi's Sagrada Familia. I'm dedicating another post to the Sagrada Familia this afternoon since I took so many pictures there (the light within that building was breathtaking).
It was a very auspicious beginning to our trip and set the pace for the days to come. To be brief: I had a wonderful trip full of experiences I would be happy to repeat.

Outfit details:
Gryphon trench coat
thrifted shoes
ASOS sunglasses