A clap of thunder, a sudden downpour of rain, and then birdsong. Nature is in a fickle mood this evening. Between the rain and before the sunset, I scurry outside for a few pictures and a breath of fresh air. The brief shower hasn't ushered in cooler temperatures yet and I'm soon flushed. I climb up the moat wall seeking zephyrs and a view of the water on top of the old battery. Pictures in my new dress are snapped rather quickly and then I sink down to the pavement. At first I sit staring out at the ocean as the sun sinks ever lower in the sky, then I find myself slipping down as well. No one below can see me up here and no joggers are about at this hour, so I lay on my back with my purse as a pillow and listen to the birds...

Outfit details:
vintage fascinator
Amanda Deer necklace