Reading tends to plant thoughts in your head. My favorite authors are deeply rooted in my heart, but even blog browsing plants seedlings in my mind. Gardens are unruly things and I dislike weeding...Anyway, when I saw this dress I was reminded of how Kater wrote about wanting and wearing vintage night gowns. This dress is not vintage or a night gown, but it captures that spirit rather well. I love the soft romantic feel of it. It was the perfect dress to throw on during a sweltering day; I truly could only wear the cardigan around the air conditioned world inside. Also, a closer look at my bee wing bulb necklace from Natalie Joy. Isn't it lovely? Natalie says all of the bee wigs were collected off the streets of Portland, so no bees were harvested for their wings. It rather amuses me to picture people inching along the road looking for sadly fallen little bees and their delicate wings.