As much as my style tends to appear rather feminine and my penchant for vintage dresses, this dress with the growling panther on the front of it is actually the single most worn piece in my wardrobe (just look at one remix & I've worn it a half dozen times since that post). It's slightly darker than many of my pieces, but the quirky nature of it is quite within the range of my usual style; I love interesting details. I never want to dress too saccharine--I actually avoid pink, bows, and ruffles; basically anything that might make me appear like a girly-girl. Nothing wrong with that type of girl of course, it's just not a figure I personally identify with...regardless of my penchant for dresses and heels. This particular slightly-grunge inspired look seemed well suited for the abandoned trains here. I've explored a couple of different ones now, but I find the chipping blue interior and rusting red and mustard exterior of this one the most visually interesting.