This Carven skirt might me my favorite wardrobe item at the moment. It's just such a special piece that I'm still sometimes surprised that I own it. Just wearing it takes me back to when I first became aware of the fashion industry--cutting out editorials I admired and collaging them into new combinations within my own quiet world that seemed miles and miles from that reality. There was always this perfect world crafted in those magazines; every detail painstakingly chosen and each shot so carefully composed. Yet, everything did seem like pure fantasy--they were clothes you didn't see walking down the streets even in cities, unfit for school or office apparel. I didn't think that "fashion" was a thing ordinary (especially mousy and petite!) people could connect to beyond of admiring from a distance. This skirt reminds me of those clothes I'd see on those glossy pages and the outfits I never thought I'd be bold enough to wear, but somehow here I am...