Ashe wrote a nice article about one-use clothing items and the world of blogging (gave me a sweet shout-out too for my remixes). I'm sure there are things in my closet I've only worn once, but usually that means I wasn't realistic about its wearability when I bought it and I mentally kick myself over it--I've never bought something with the intent to only wear once, or returned an item after wearing it on the blog. Anyway, one dress I only bought this winter but have already worn more times than I care to count, is this one. It's my favorite vintage dress at the moment and I suspect it will be getting much more wear this spring and summer (the colors are quite suited for the warmer/brighter seasons). I haven't had the best luck with buy vintage online lately; everything seems to be a different size than what was listed and now I have a pile of things to make alterations to, but dresses like this make up for it. I really love that feeling when you put on a dress and it just fits as if it was made for you; doesn't happen often enough in our ready-to-wear world.