My grandmother always had the perfect tree in her yard for climbing and it was one tree I could get very high up in quite easily, but I always remember coming down with sap all over my hands that wouldn't wash off for days but made every touch slightly sticky. That anecdote rather sums of my tree climbing experiences; better in anticipation than actuality. Kate helped me take these photographs and I think she got a kick out of me testing the tree's strength before I actually dared climb out on the limb. This crab-apple tree was more idyllic than my childhood memories of tree climbing--I didn't get very far off the ground, but it was the perfect shape to lay against and I emerged without spider bites or sap-covered appendages.
P.S. The last picture is of my roommate Kate--one of the lovely ladies I live with now and the kind soul who helped me take these pictures.

Outfit details:
vintage Coach purse
*pictures by Kate