Before I cut my hair in the winter I wrote a long-winded post on my tumblr about how I was itching to cut my hair but afraid of doing it at the same time. At some point in the last few years my hair became highly covetable--growing up no one ever really remarked on it, but recently I couldn't seem to leave my house without getting a compliment on my long hair from complete strangers. It was quite flattering and I began to get a bit attached to my long hair. When I started to contemplate cutting it I knew that with that choice I'd also be sacrificing the compliments associated with my hair and thus, one of the major sources of my physical beauty (as enforced by verbal affirmation). This launched me into thought about how attached I was to my hair and how I didn't want to be attached to my hair--I didn't want to feel some personal worth or beauty based on something as silly as hair. So, I decided that I needed to cut my hair--I wanted to cut my hair because I was bored with the long locks and I had to cut my hair to prove (to myself) that it wouldn't actually have a huge impact on my life.