One of my latest blog addictions has been Visionary Dreams written by Danielle. Her style is just fantastic; I love the way she layers and mixes colors and just basically everything. To get to know Danielle better I had her plan a little dream party.
What type of party is it?
An arts themed party, filled with conversations about music, literature, photography, acting, painting and fashion.
Who's invited?
An eclectic mix of influential individuals, past and present: F. Scott Fitzgerald, Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, Vladimir Nabokov, Bach, Conor Oberst, Kristian Matsson, Andy Warhol, Monet, Salvador Dali, Christian Bale, Emile Hirsch, Christian Dior, Coco Chanel, Stella McCartney (as an animal rights activist, I would die to meet her), Ansel Adams, Sebastião Salgado, the list goes on and on...
Where does it take place?
A wide open but cozy lounge room, complete with mood lighting, kitschy art decorations, soft music and a fully stocked bar.
What are you serving?
All of my favorite foods. Thai, Mediterranean, Indian and Mexican. There will be no shortage of vegetarian food, since my diet is strictly meat free.
Who would get to sit next to you?
Stella McCartney and Sebastião Salgado. I would love to talk with Stella about animal rights, as the well-being of all creatures is something I hold dear to my heart. Sebastião and I would discuss issues surrounding civil rights in third world countries, as well as his phenomenal use of contrast in black and white photographs.
What is everyone wearing?
The theme of the evening is the roaring 20's, summer style. Classic florals, dramatic hats, clean whites, linen suits, bow ties and all that jazz.
Is there entertainment?
The evening will be filled with loads of folk, indie, dream pop, lo-fi, experimental and electro pop music.
Are there any party favors?
There aren't any party favors, though everyone is required to bring a book which will be exchanged with another guest at the end of the night.
What are the hot topics of the evening?
Life stories, religion, politics, personal belief systems, the arts, and just a bit of gossip.
Who is the most likely to get drunk and dance on the table?
Everyone will dance on the table, which will eventually lead way to all of us falling on the ground giggling with excitement.
Who is the last to leave?
I would be the last, as the host always sticks around till the very end.

For more visit her blog.