Train tracks are a fitting location for an outfit post at the moment considering all the traveling I've been doing. Train tracks always represent endless possibilities--the distant horizon line we might one day reach as long as we keep going. For many people trains are also a way to take travel slowly and truly enjoy it; like choosing a road trip over a plane flight and stopping at roadside attractions along the way. It's a bit of a dying tradition. Oh yes, people are still driving cars and even road-tripping it, but it's less common and the places to stop along the way have diminished, much like the decline in leisurely instead of commuter railway traffic. It's sad in some ways how the world has become so quantified and known; that I take an Amtrak up to New York for a week's visit, but know that a similar ride out West doesn't lead to adventure and unclaimed lands. Still while there is much the world has defined and even recorded in books, magazines, or videos there is no comparison for personal experience. The West is no longer wild and untamed, but much of it remains new to me. Frontiers are less universal, but rather the personal--a boundary line built by our experience and limited only by our boldness.