Audible Sofas Sepulchrally Hoarse

I don't wear this dress nearly enough, but it's still the most prized piece in my small collection of clothing items that remind me of old sofas. I don't know how someone could be insulted to be informed that their dress resembles an old couch when I love the look of vintage upholstery and the lines of ancient sofas. It is funny the charm we find in certain things--the way we'll snub newer paperbacks for older books with musty odors and worn pages, or how we'll collect Polaroid cameras and old Leicas finding value in the flawed and grainy images they produce; added worth in sunflares. I don't want to categorize it as a nostalgia for a period of time I never lived through, especially since I have no wish to return to the lifestyle or values that would have been forced upon me as a woman in past eras, but rather an admiration for certain lines and colors and patterns that should be permitted to enjoyed anchronismically. I wouldn't trade my modern computer for anything, but I can't deny an appreciation for vintage typewriters...

Outfit details:
Rodarte x Opening Ceremony dress


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