Don't be deceived by my smiles in these photographs--I was quite upset at this late-in-the-year snow. Thankfully, although it fell heavily all afternoon it melted overnight and there wasn't a speck left in the city by the next morning. Still, it's weird to wake up in spring to a winter wonderland. To worry about salting your steps and know that the local grocery store I walk to sometimes will be nearly empty (I'm always amazed by the things people buy when they think it's about to snow and they'll be trapped at home). It was a good excuse to spend most of the day inside. I've been on a movie kick lately; watching loads of things I'd never seen before. When it's miserable outside there's nothing quite like climbing into bed with a meal and watching something on your computer (I also enjoy this in nice weather). It seems almost a travesty that I hadn't seen Hot Fuzz or Shaun of the Dead until now. I mostly watched the Turner Classic Movies channel as a kid and didn't go out to the movies since my pocket money was nearly non-existent, so while I can name nearly every Bettie Davis movie and quote a good number of Cary Grant ones--there are a lot of more modern flicks I've missed out on. Sometimes I feel as if I'm playing catch-up for pop culture I missed as a kid locked in my bedroom with my nose in a book...
Hi! Welcome to my dusty, wee corner of the Internet. What started as a fashion blog has now become a window into the wild and a way to share a moment of calm and quiet.