A Splendid Artichoke of Anecdotes

These pictures were quite funny to shoot. Shortly after I had found this quiet spot in a park in town and set up my tripod, a couple shooting engagement photos (or something similar) came trooping along with their own photographer. They were pretty much taking pictures on the other side of my tripod which was a bit awkward for both of us as we tried to avoid eye contact and finish the thing quickly--or at least I tried to be quick (I was finished in about 15 minutes). Ah the joys of photography. It seems if you aren't surprising joggers in the woods, or being followed by suspicious cars (ie any car with darker windows) then you're awkwardly watching a blooming romance and listening to a couple explain how they met to their photographer who's saying "you don't normally kiss like that, do you? Show me the love." Yep, become a personal style blogger and in addition to gaining this weird, daily diary of your outfits you will acquire amusing anecdotes in spades...


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