I wouldn't normally go for a dress this bright, it's nearly neon in person, but I thought it looked "right" with my hair. That's definitely a fun feature to changing your hairstyle, it always has an effect on your personal style. When I cut my hair short I suddenly felt more comfortable in more feminine frocks because the short hair balanced the girlishness of the outfit. Now with blue hair I have to think about what colors will clash or suit my hair before getting dressed. Even though I'm not a passionate vintage dresser who goes into period-appropriate matchiness I still think about how an outfit looks from head-to-toe and that includes hairstyle. Anyway, I think the lime-y yellow works quite nicely with the hair color and it's good to know that while I can't wear my favorite red dresses at the moment my color options are expanding into other ranges.

Outfit details:
sunglasses c/o Modcloth
sunglasses c/o Modcloth