Thomas's visit and interest in antiquing motivated me to research vintage shops and antique malls close to my current home and subsequently we spent a lovely day hitting half a dozen shops until our feet were tired of wandering up and down crowded aisles and our eyes were weary of scouring busy shelves. I think my favorite sighting of the day was a mirrored ball from the 1920s--a beautiful precursor to the more modern disco ball. There are so many interesting pieces of history to admire in antique malls and I was lucky enough to walk away with a new vintage camera courtesy of Thomas. I think I find old technology the most intriguing; vintage cameras, yes, but also slot machines, old phones and other communication boards--they're all fascinating in their antiquity that jars so with the modern counterparts. Anyway, we both went a bit snap-happy, trading my camera back and forth to photograph whatever oddity caught our eye. I always feel as if I'm going to miss something interesting in the overwhelming busy-ness of a vintage shop.
P.S. You can click here to see my past adventures in antique stores and vintage shops.

Outfit details:
Sea of Bees hair pin
Sea of Bees hair pin
Zara purse
*pictures by Thomas + me
*pictures by Thomas + me