Thomas is a wee bit of a golf fiend so we're becoming experts on the various mini golf courses in my region. It started rather spontaneously after he convinced me to stop mid-errand run at one he spied by the road and quickly led to evening internet searches for the best course in town. The favorite so far is Village Greens; the Gold Course is 23 holes with enough difficulty to keep things interesting and the entire course is prettily landscaped in the woods. Despite the fact I lost by a wide margin, it kept us entertained for over an hour and even the summer heat was bearable beneath all the natural shade. My game is definitely approving, although I doubt I'll beat Thomas at a game even if he drags me to another half dozen courses (which could happen). I think the last time I played miniature golf before this summer was probably in high school. Fairly certain I lost then as well.

Outfit details:
vintage dress
*pictures by Thomas