There's something about knee socks or even thigh highs that are so much nicer than tights. I suppose it's the free-er feeling; both lacking the tummy-squeezing tights inevitably cause (even as a frequent tights-wearer, I'm always happy to shed them and go bare-legged in the spring). The downside of course is the constant need to pull up socks and deciding on the perfect height to begin with; under the skirt to give the illusion of tights or pulled high with a slim line of leg left visible? Anyway, these socks were a welcome layer on one of the cooler days Lancaster has experienced lately. Although I don't think Fall is on the way yet. There will be many more hot and melting days before the leaves start to change and tights with socks layered on top become a necessity. Which I'm glad about since I enjoy bare skin free of layers--despite my paleness. Thomas amused me the other day by asking "how did you get to be so pale?" It was amusing because this was coming from a Northern Irish boy (a country notoriously rainy and a people notoriously pale) and because I consider this skin tone my natural state (not something I "get" to be by any effort). I once had a slight tan when I lived in Hawaii and worked there for a summer spending a good deal of my day outdoors and rather awful tan lines from that as well...But otherwise, my skin likes to be this shade and despite my bare shoulders I barely get any color in summer. Sunscreen is obviously a necessity for extensive periods of time outdoors, but that's about avoiding a burn. Looking like an overcooked lobster never seems to be on anyone's inspiration board.