Pigtails have become my go-to hair style lately; it's perfect for my transitioning length since my hair doesn't fit well into a ponytail yet. Ironically I was inspired to try the style out after a conversation with my sister when she remarked that she was "too old to wear [her] hair in pigtails now." I silently began to consider if I was also too old for the style, but then I recalled Brigitte Bardot, various Ye-Ye pop stars, and even the more current Alexa Chung all rocking the hair style with aplomb. Pigtails don't have to be tied to juvenile styles but in fact have many connotations and it's only our current culture that views them as something more suited for children. I don't see the point in being too confined to wear a hair style I find both fun and practical, so pigtails it is for me this summer--ideally I'll be back in braids some day...
Hi! Welcome to my dusty, wee corner of the Internet. What started as a fashion blog has now become a window into the wild and a way to share a moment of calm and quiet.