I built today's outfit around my new-to-me vintage barrettes. One is a pair of creepy red-eyed monkeys and the other is a pair of leaping horses (naturally because I'm a clothes "horse"). My blue hair has been making me resist wearing most of my red pieces, but after I bought these barrettes I decided to just go bold with the color contrast and get some wear out of one of my prettiest lightweight blouses before autumn rolls in. I wore this outfit while I was in New York, but never managed to get a picture of it so I had a good excuse to put it on again when I got back to Pennsylvania--it is a ridiculously comfortable outfit to wear, perhaps especially the shoes. The skirt has a couple of stains I can't get rid of and usually makes me a bit self-conscious to wear it, but no one else ever seems to notice the stains as I always receive compliments on this skirt. I think that is such a true statement for so many things--we always notice our imperfect skin or messy hair or awkwardness before anyone else. Even just last week I found myself apologizing if I came off as "standoffish" or quiet after newly meeting a blogger I had been reading for months, only for her to say she didn't notice either behavior at our first introduction. So all the awkwardness was imagined on my end...or created post-introduction by my unnecessary apology! Perhaps the best thing to do is stop assuming the worst parts of ourselves are glaringly obvious. We are often our own worst critics.

Outfit details:
vintage barrettes
vintage skirt