So many of my favorite dresses are from Family Affairs and this one is no exception. I got it back from my tailor just in time for NYFW so after wearing it around Pennsylvania I packed it into my suitcase for the city. My camera battery died on me while I was taking these pictures (which added to my morning frustrations) so I didn't have a chance to take any close-ups, but what I like most about this dress is the crystal print. Nina of Family Affairs drew the illustration herself and then had the fabric made, which is also available on quilts and some ceramics. Anyway, I love designers that are that involved in their work--that everything from the cut, to the print on the fabric--is theirs. Aside from admiring the artistic control, I also just really enjoy the print and I think the purple tones go nicely with my blue hair.
Of course no sharing of a dress by Nina would be complete without one of the original captions she lists it with, they always add to the mood of the pieces and paint such pretty pictures. The caption for the moonriver dress feels quite fitting (as I did photograph this under a crabapple tree!), "you fell happily asleep in your Moon River dress underneath an apple tree in the sunshine after picking apples all day for making apple pies tonight…"

Outfit details:
thrifted jacket
Zara purse