I was photographing this dress to sell when I realized I didn't want to get rid of it. So much for lightening my load. I bought this dress a couple of years ago and I suppose between my frequent moves in the past couple of years it accidentally got relegated to a box in the basement and I never ended up wearing it. Figuring what to unpack is always the worst headache about moving and it doesn't help when you're a poor packer to begin with mixing your wardrobe with toys from your childhood that have no place in your current lifestyle or room. Anyway, I'm remedying the mistake of misplacing this gem now right before the weather turns too chill for something so bright and sleeveless.
In other news, I chopped my hair. Myself. On an impulse with a pair of sewing scissors. I've been trying to grow my hair out for a bob and was waiting for it to get a wee bit longer before doing the proper thing of going to a professional for bangs and an even-ing it to a uniform length, but I hit my patience (or lack there of) wall. A re-watch of In Time, which is not the best science fiction film but a definite style inspiration for me, was also a major influence on the decision. Now I have a sort of bob, although there are undoubtedly uneven bits here and there that would make a true hair expert squirm. Still, one step closer to hairstyle I'm aspiring to. There was a moment the next morning when I looked in the mirror and was a bit surprised with what I saw. Impulsive decisions made late at night are sometimes regretted in the morning, although I think I can live with this one.