Some of my favorite dresses are made from really thick, heavy fabric--the sort of brocades people cover their couches with. I can remember going to upholstery stores with my mother and running my hands along the different fabrics and admiring the trims and wondering why there weren't any clothes made from the same cloth. Even now when I wear this dress friends usually comment that it looks like a sofa or even a rug, but I don't mind the association at all. There's something about wearing a dress that weighs a good five pounds that's quite special; perhaps it is mostly novelty since most pieces of clothing have very little weight, but sometimes it almost feels as if you donned some sort of armor and there's a new level of invincibility to it. What could reach you through a full inch of industrial level fabric? After a summer in lightweight dresses that could snag on a branch an tear, it's nice to put on something that feels almost protective against the world.