I highly doubt there are many (any?) people reading this blog today who were around when I first started posting in 2007 and wore glasses every day. I got my first pair of contacts about a year after I started blogging and the convenience of those quickly led to the abandonment of my eyeglasses--at least on the blog. Most days still end with the hair pushed out of my face, shoes exchanged for slippers, contacts replaced by eyeglasses, and munching on a bagel as I type up posts. Since eyeglasses are more necessary than a fun accessory, I usually only wear them out when my eyes are tired or I'm feeling lazy. I don't really feel a need to add some "nerd chic" to my outfit since my interests will already categorize me as a nerd. Still, I'm digging these navy frames from Bonlook. It's nice to give my eyes a break every now and then.

Outfit details:
ASOS blouse (old)