If not the movie of our generation, Frances Ha might be one of the most accurate movie deceptions of our generation (and it's on Netflix). While not all of us can relate to the privilege Greta Gerwig's character Frances experiences, winning lines stating that it's hard to explain what she does because "I don't really do it" (which is such a simple, perfect summation of a generation's inability to find jobs in their chosen careers or success in following their dreams) and her co-dependent relationship with her best friend are almost eerily relatable. Her awkward squeaks in response to flirting and her clumsy handling of life that leads to several literal and figurative falls is also strikingly forward--and like Frances we get up and limp-run (or walk) forward. At times Frances is nearly insufferable and her friends equally loathsome, but her optimism and that "just keep moving" mentality that keeps us rooting for her growth and survival.