Until these photographs Thomas and I didn't have any decent pictures together. There was the odd shot at a party that a friend captured as they documented the night, but other than that there was relatively no photographic proof that we are ever together. I thought an afternoon exploring the abandoned star barn and snapping a few pictures with my usual self-timer and tripod method could be time well spent. Of course, I hadn't guessed how awkward it was to pose for the camera with a partner and take "cute couple shots." Framing was more difficult with two people and then there were the questions of "where should we look?" "um, should we hold hands?" and a number of poses we thought would look nice, but just ended up being utterly ridiculous. Of course, I often laugh at myself while I take pictures (usually due to tripping) and this set was no exception--through all the misses and awkwardness they were quite fun to capture.