It's hard to get excited about clothes in winter because staying warm takes such priority and so many times when I leave the house I know my coat and hat won't be removed until I get back much later at night. It hardly matters if I wear the same outfit five days in a row or don't wash my hair and when I'm being truly sensible there's only a couple of pairs of shoes I should wear in cold and icy conditions. Thankfully, I have acquired a number of hats through the years and my coat collection is ever-growing, so I have options in those areas--this is especially nice since winter is holding strong. When I first came to Pennsylvania in college after living in Hawaii I only had one jacket and one coat; I wasn't overly focused on my wardrobe then so it didn't bother me, but I always got teased by friends. One friend said they always saw me coming across campus because I was "always" wearing my green jacket and others teased me for wearing a peacoat with sweatpants and sneakers on the way to the gym (to which I still ask "do you expect me to walk to the gym in 10 degree weather without a coat..?"). My closet has come a long way since then and winter is much more bearable with more than one peacoat at your disposal.

Outfit details:
Knitwits hat
boots (similar)