Felt like editing this a little differently with this outfit post, or rather was increasingly dissatisfied with the photographs so I kept editing. When I like my photographs there is very little change from the in-camera shot to the one I put on the blog, but the more ambivalent I feel about my images the more editing they tend to get. Anyway, it works in an outfit that isn't much about color anyway. The outfit was built around my new basic tee from Pickwick & Weller. I talked about them a couple of weeks ago and now I'm trying out one of their boutique-quality-without-the-price-tag tees for myself. It is a lovely, thick tee; mine's in black but if the white is anything like this one it won't have that annoying almost-sheer-to-actually-sheer quality that most of women's tees seem to have nowadays. I'm always a bit annoyed when I buy a shirt or dress that's so sheer I have to wear another shirt or dress (i.e. camisole or slip) underneath. Anyway, it doesn't seem to be a problem with this line and the new tee inspired me to wear something more casual…sort of. Casual is easier in summer--in summer it would just be this tee, skirt, and sandals but as you add layers in winter you start to look more pulled-together even though you just wanted something simple and faux-sporty.
Remember if you buy a Pickwick & Weller tee then share your picture on Instgram with the hashtag #BeAStylist they'll refund you $15, so you effectively get your tee at cost. Definitely check them out if you're looking for more basics and shirts that won't fall apart after a few months.
P.S. If you're interested in seeing the outfit in color, I'm posting outtakes on Instagram.