It was too cold for these shoes; definitely one of those days where it felt like "summer in the light, and winter in the shade." This skirt has been hanging on the door of my closet for around a month, taunting me with it's lush green fabric and this is how I wanted to wear it. I have this bad habit of being set on such a particular idea that no substitute will suffice. So this skirt: I probably could have figured out a way to wear it with tights and other shoes, but in my mind I had envisioned this outfit and I needed to wear it this way. I'm the same way with haircuts or color--if I go to a hairdresser and they give me a style that isn't what I asked for I don't care if it looks good, I'm dissatisfied that I didn't get the style I had in my head and I'm still curious what that would have looked like. Most of the time I try to combat this by avoiding having specific expectations. Still, I did have the restraint to save this outfit for a semi-warm day so I got a bit chilly but I wasn't risking frostbite!

Outfit details: