I hoard outfit posts for sick days and other random occasions that come up and contrive to keep me from working the way other people stock up on bottled water before a storm. These pictures were taken a short while ago when I was hanging out with my friend Jon and children were skating on the pond and playing ice hockey, but I saved them for the proverbial "rainy day" that ended up being a bad cold and visit to Kansas. Things you can't see in these pictures: the aforementioned children playing and the mounds of snow several feet high along the snow that you must climb over to get to the approximately five inch deep snow blanketing the ground along the canoes and edge of the pond. The enormous snow piles are an issue or peculiarity (depending on their location) everywhere you go lately. For my less-northern readers: what happens is snow plows push snow off the road, basically by moving it to the side as this happens time after time the piles of snow alongside the road become rather enormous. It means to cross the road on foot (even in the city) you either have to climb over a snow pile or walk around to some small footpath some kind soul has dug for you. These piles are especially epic and less annoying in the parking lots of various supermarkets--there all the snow gets piled 12 feet or higher but in conveniently placed mounds you don't have to navigate your way across (which I'm sorry to say I have yet to capture in a photograph yet). Anyway, giant snow piles aside I always like this little area with its colorful canoes where we often find older people gabbing with a picnic in the summer and younger ones skating across in the winter.

Outfit details:
thrifted hat
Shop Ruche scarf (old)
vintage sweater
Rachel Roy boots
Rebecca Minkoff backpack (similar)
*pictures by Jon