Sunny if still brisk, weather has been encouraging Thomas and me to stay outdoors on various day trips around Northern Ireland. This day was probably my favorite so far since my visit here due in no little part to my love of the ocean. I'd really love to live near water again. We explored a few different beaches along the north coast but most of these photographs were taken at Whiterocks Beach--a beautiful, near-empty beach lined with a few curious caves and rock piles.
Like many girls I was quite infatuated with that sailor coat Topshop had a few years ago, but I resisted it because I already had a navy coat and the price tag was a little outside of my budget at the time. It never really left my mind however so I still do the occasional eBay scour for it, but thankfully I no longer have hunt since I now possess a perfect sailor coat from Asian iCandy. My simple navy coat might be more practical in some ways, but I'm so enamored with the sailor collar and rows of buttons on this one. I can't think of anything I'd rather wear when I'm by the ocean.