A whole day quickly disappears when you're antique shopping--doesn't it? You hop from one antique mall to another, pressing your nose to the glass cases, wandering up and down the narrow aisles, calling to your companion in the labyrinth to show them some random discovery and before you know it the day is nearly over and your wallet is a good deal lighter. It's also the perfect activity for these sweltering summer-like days; skipping from air conditioned chamber of secrets to air conditioned chamber making the heat and modern world fade away in a cool breeze of manufactured air and dusty remnants of the past. Thomas and I definitely had a good day exploring and drove home with some special bits of history in our pockets even if we didn't buy everything our hearts desired. Vintage shopping is also an exercise in self-control for me--oh another pretty vintage red dress to add to my wall? Lovely, but I can resist today...