I keep forgetting that it's not officially summer yet when we have so many days that feel like summer. It's not just the temperatures--I see evidence in the fields turning golden and the children drawing with chalk on the sidewalks when they would usually be in school. There's evidence of a more energetic and free season when I visit lakes like this one, so quiet in winter filling with canoes and people swimming. Since summer is perhaps my favorite season I have few complaints. This dress is (as a friend told me when I put it on) a perfect summer dress; ideally I would wear the nautical themed piece by the ocean, but as I'm a bit land-locked the lakes and rivers in my area will have to suffice. It's really the colors of the dress that drew me too it--the cream base with splotches of teal, I have many things in my closet to match it with and I love how it looks with red accents.

Outfit details:
boater hat (old, similar)