My blog turns seven years old today! Or rather two days ago, but I've been busy traveling and shooting this anniversary video so it is only today that I'm ready to share the final product with you. I never really know what to say when my blog birthday/anniversary rolls around--I never knew back then that I would keep at it this long! There are a number of things I wouldn't have anticipated happening back then that have come to pass, but they have and here we are. I could probably go on for a bit about what has changed and what blogging means to me but the short of it is: I really like blogging. I like taking pictures on a regular basis because it takes me outside and makes me appreciate my surroundings in a different way. I like sharing all that online and connecting to people with similar interests who I never would have "met" otherwise. I feel incredibly lucky.
Thomas helped me make this video in honor of my blog turning seven years old. It's short and sweet and just a little "thank you" to everyone's who's been following along. For seven years there are seven different outfits and locations featured in the video--I wish I could have fit in seven completely different hairstyles (long! short! red! blue!) but the video was a few days rather than seven years in the making. I hope you enjoy it!
Thomas helped me make this video in honor of my blog turning seven years old. It's short and sweet and just a little "thank you" to everyone's who's been following along. For seven years there are seven different outfits and locations featured in the video--I wish I could have fit in seven completely different hairstyles (long! short! red! blue!) but the video was a few days rather than seven years in the making. I hope you enjoy it!