On my last visit to Parkanaur we were driven away prematurely by rain and barely got a chance to explore the grounds or their white deer. This time the weather was much better and we enjoyed a walk through the woods and deer park--next time I'm hoping to see inside the Tudor Revival house. The big stone lions might be my favorite feature; they have so much personality and the white nicely echoes the lichen growing on the house's old stone walls. My bright pink dress with it's retro-y print that reminds me of the sixties was probably not the best match for the location, but I like the contrast and how the colors pop here. These pictures are a good reminder to wear lipstick more often as well because I love the way it looks with the blonde hair. When I first dyed it I kept doing a double-take when I walked by a mirror or woke up in the morning. Big style changes often lead to a period of discomfort since we're so used to looking a certain way. But now I'm liking the look more and more and might keep my hair blonde longer than I had originally planned.