I got trapped in this covered bridge for nearly an hour. The rain was light when I walked to it, but it quickly started to downpour and would not let up. It was good thing I had my book on hand since once I had snapped a few pictures there wasn't much else to do...When I was little I used to read so much in the summer; local libraries always offered rewards for the number of books you read as a child and I used to go in every week with a stack as big as I could carry. Even now I read more in summer than other seasons--I think it's the way the days are longer giving me the illusion of having more time and so I prioritize my time differently and carve out more space for reading. So far I've mostly been re-reading old favorites, like Martin Eden, but I there are a few classics I've never read before that I plan to get to before the days get short again. This book is one of the most beautiful ones I own, not just for its content but because it's a first edition and Thomas got it for me as a gift. I love the beautiful Art Nouveau lines on the cover and gilded letters and there are even a couple of illustrations inside. I'm usually a little afraid to read this copy for fear of damaging it, but it was rather lovely to be reading a gift from Thomas while we're apart.