My room is stacked high with boxes as I sort through what to keep, donate, and sell while I transition out of one house into another. I've gone through most of my closet and now my sorting has turned to my excessive vintage magazine collection which I'm oddly having a harder time parting with than my clothes. I've been collecting vintage National Geographic and LIFE magazines for a few years, partly to use them in collages, but also because I really enjoy looking through them. Additional to the vintage collection I have a stack of Teen Vogue and Elle Girl magazines from when I was younger (even a few from Japan for variety) which I've been saving for a future daughter/niece/granddaughter. As a teenager I would have enjoyed reading the magazines my mother had read when she was a teenager and I decided I could do something for the next generation by saving a few of mine. However, magazines are heavy and since I'm trying to keep them in pristine condition I'm really not using them at the moment. So, I've been in pretty intense debate with myself over whether to keep them or let them go. Who is to say I'll even have kids? Or any said future generation from myself or other family members will have any interest in these magazines? It just seems like a lot of dead weight to carry across the ocean for some nebulous future teenager.

music note earrings, Crew Cuts jacket, Les Mirettes brooch, dress c/o Shop Ruche, Jane Basch necklace, old heels (similar), old purse, pictures by Kate