Our road trip through Vermont wasn't completely smooth-sailing. After one place we planned to stay at didn't work out we spent a night finding out that although the roads were relatively empty the hotels were booked full. It was late, dark, and we had been on the road since the early morning; it seemed like the only places that were available were way out of budget and in the process of closing for the night. I thought we might end up sleeping in my tiny car or heading home early even though we had barely explored Vermont! But eventually we found a place to crash and thankfully woke up to a solution that meant we didn't have to cancel our trip early. After all the stress we were rewarded with one of our most beautiful fall days of the trip--cute towns (Peacham, St Johnsbury, etc), quaint diners, and all the fall color we could have desired. Our mishaps make for a good story and when the sun is shining on a leaf-strewn path like this one they seem quite distant and trifling.