Thomas is visiting and at the top of his list of things to do in America in the fall was visit a pumpkin patch, so this was one of our first stops in Vermont. Right now it seems like every shop in the picturesque New England towns is selling maple syrup and pumpkins. But buying pre-picked ones on a shelf isn't quite the same as wandering through a field with your wagon in tow choosing your favorite. I went for a modest pumpkin, but Thomas picked out a whopper that weighed 50 lbs! I've gone pumpkin picking every October for the past few years, but this was probably my most fun trip--going with someone who's never visited a pumpkin patch before is quite entertaining. I'm trying to give Thomas the American fall/Halloween season he has been promised in all of our kitsch and scary movies...

Outfit details:
ASOS jacket (old, similar)
TBA dress (old)
Marais USA flats (similar)
*pictures by Thomas
*pictures by Thomas